Mortgage market review

Mortgage market review

It’s been a busy couple of months in the mortgage market, with rising interest rates and new product ideas dominating the discussion.  Rate rises  Following the Bank of England’s decision to raise interest rates, two million mortgage holders with standard...
Mortgage market review

Small steps to sell with success

Planning to sell? You already know there’s a lot of big things to think about. But don’t neglect the small details either. Seemingly minor changes can make a significant difference to how a property is perceived and, ultimately, its sale price. Here are three top tips...
Mortgage market review

In the news – Home Finance

Gardens uprooted  A quarter (25%) of homeowners in the UK with outside space have turned all or part of their garden into a driveway and a further 17% plan to make this change1. As well as parking space proving to be popular, one in ten homeowners with outside...