Property pitfalls for holidaymakers

Do you always lock your windows before going on holiday? If not, you’re not alone. A new surveyhas revealed some of the bad holiday habits of UK homeowners. 

Locked out 

Two in five respondents don’t check their windows are locked, with a similar number failing to check the doors. Just under half make sure no valuables are visible through the windows. 

This is despite the fact 14% of people have had their home burgled, with an additional 11% having experienced an attempted burglary. 

Open invitation 

Moreover, the survey showed that one in ten homeowners leaves a key under a doormat or plant pot when heading away. Although this can allow neighbours to check on your property, it might also give easy access to burglars. 

Turn it off! 

Half of respondents said they switch off electrical appliances that aren’t needed, while a fifth remember to turn off the water. 

1Aviva, 2022 

As a mortgage is secured against your home or property, it could be repossessed if you do not keep up mortgage repayments